Are you aware that you can save lots of money and keep your manufacturers warranty by having your vehicle serviced by Smiths Service.
By using OE (Original Equipment) replacement parts such as oil filter, air filters, fan and cambelts, brake systems etc, we fulfil the requirements of the free market legislation passed by the European Parliament in October 2003. This means that you could save up to £500 on a major service as we do not charge dealer prices for parts or labour. Please note that in most cases we cannot undertake manufacturer recall work, this must still be carried out by your local dealer. By all means call for advice, we will help you to the best of our ability.

We have the facilities and the diagnostic equipment for all types and marques of vehicles including prestige marques. You don't need to take your car to the dealer and pay a fortune to have it plugged into dealer specific diagnostic computers in order to service or find a fault on your vehicle.
We undertake all kinds of servicing and repairs, including tyres and exhausts. Our prices are very competitive, call our center for a quote before you buy from elsewhere. we can save you lots of money. If we don't have your tyre or exhaust in stock, we can have it delivered within the hour. Tyres are fitted and balanced FREE OF CHARGE.
- Mon - Fri: 9am to 5:30pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed